Monday 8 June 2009

Go, Gordon, go!!!!

Is no-one listening? Haven't they got it? The man must go!
The arrogance, stupidity, blindness and intransigence is almost incredible. By clutching onto power he will only make it worse for his party when we finally do get an election. Just for a moment there I thought we nearly had movement.
Political constipation.
It's all moved to the extremes. Extreme views elected into the European Parliament. Extreme disengagement between the people and the parties who are meant to represent them (shown by low, low turn-out).
Extreme blether from Brown's spokesmen: Haine makes my eyes water. Wasn't he one of the ones who had to slink away in shame for bad behaviour just a few years ago - now crusading up to the frontline to help Brown stay in power?
'We have a job to do, let us get on with it!' is the cry.
You've had YEARS to do your job! And look at the mess you've made of it!
Look at the destruction of the country's infrastructure, employment, education, manufacture, even street-behaviour. Why on earth would we want you to do any more?
Get out!
We've now had the two main parties in power in succession with overwhelming majorities in the House of Commons and it's meant that party managers feel totally detached from what ordinary people want, think or feel. They do not have to take account of opposing views.
It was bad enough with a Tory landslide and positively vile under Blair.
Think of the search for the weapons of mass destruction. We all KNEW it was a mistake but no-one could stop him. It was mad and bad.
Some people - a dwindling few - feel themselves allied to one party for life. I think most people have to make ragged and painful choices about which party to follow, because no party fits what any one person wants or believes in.
Even the fundamental view a person holds may not be fully described by one party - in fact, in an ideal world, we would pick and choose bits of policy from all over the place to find it represented by others.
We maybe pro-Tory on this, and pro-LibDem on that.
Most of the people I know are like that - if they are honest.
So why can't Parliament reflect that?
Because they are not honest?
Yesterday's cop-out by the PLP was weak but predictable. No-one was listening to the electorate and the bullyboys got their way. The word hubris comes to mind - let's wait and see.
I am sure, somewhere in one of my old Thomas the Tank Engine books, there's one where Gordon won't go.
Anyone got a copy?

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